
Copper Bonded Earthing Electrodes

We attempt to give best security answer for our significant customers. Strong copper earthing pole/teminals or unadulterated copper earthing pole/cathodes is created utilizing 99.9% unadulterated electolytic copper.

Copper Bonded Earthing Rods

Supplier, Installation, Maintenance, Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) Services of Copper Bonded Earthing Rods, Copper Bonded Ground Rods, Copper Bonded Rods, Copper Bonded Earth Rods, Earthing Rods, Earth Rods, Industrial Earthing Rods etc.

Galvanised Iron (GI) Earthing Electrodes

Conventional lightning arrestor with Spike is a metal rod, made of copper and, utilized as a feature of lightning wellbeing to secure tall or separated structures, (for example, the top of a structure or the pole of a vessel) from lightning harm.

Advanced / Backfill Earthing Compounds

We attempt to give best wellbeing answer for our significant customers. UP ( Safe Ground ) Ground Enhancing Compound - UP PLUS - is a Superior conductive material that considers hardest setting up issues.

Earthing Pit Covers / Chambers

To ensure the earth sets in opposition to ingression of unfamiliar material, a fitting earthing pit spread is given to be set on the earth pit.

ESE Lightning Arresters / Protection Systems

The crucial inspiration driving the ESE Lightning Arrestor is to make ionization focused on the cloud, with the objective that the electrical charge in the Lightning Strike can be coordinated from total beginning stage.

Conventional Arresters / Protection Systems

We try to give best Safety Solution to our significant customers. It is a transmitter mounted over a structure and connected with ground through a wire or Earthing strips to shield the structure from lightning.

ESE Lightning Arresters / Protection Systems

We attempt to give best security answer for our significant customers. Strong copper earthing pole/terminals or unadulterated copper earthing pole/cathodes is created utilizing 99.9% unadulterated electrolytic copper.

Earthing Insulators

Earthing Insulators are used in as a clamp or insulating material between wall and earthing strip. These are mostly used in solar applications.
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